Hi, I’m Megs! I am the type of person who looks at the dessert menu first. I am a Virgo gal through and through. I love to be in nature, laugh, create, explore, listen, dance, and sing.

I have loved baking since a young age. I was always surrounded by it. Christmas baking is taken very seriously in my house. My grandma owned a rural family bakery that my mom worked at, so I always say baking is in my blood. I have learned a lot of what I know thanks to my mom and grandma. The rest would be countless hours of food network, YouTube videos, and a ton of trial and error.

I always knew that I wanted to be a baker, and I’ve always dreamed of owning my own shop. The path wasn’t always clear though, it had its ups and downs, but we’re back on track.

I believe that everything happens for a reason and that the steps you take on your path are meant for you to learn and grow! Many steps forwards, backwards, and forwards again has led me to here - the start of my business (little me is screaming). I am so extremely excited and grateful that I am able to do what I love. I have so much in store, and I thank you for joining me on this silly, expressive journey.

Peace & Love,
